Book Reviews

This is the story of an amazingly courageous woman who traveled from Europe to Zimbabwe on her own, and what a story it is!This book reall...
Dot Bekker…my favourite person. I feel like I know but I don’t. I’ve read your book describing your amazing journey about going home to Zimbabwe...
What an amazing read,what a brave woman!!!I just cant put the book down, shes such a good writer ❤️ (Facebook)
This book was an answered prayer, a daily entertainment and a true inspiration. I feel like I know Dot personally after reading this book....
I found “Going Home to Africa” a gripping, authentic, informative and humorous book! Gripping…in the countless unpredictable travel/r...
From the first chapter I was hooked and followed Dot's adventures down the coast of West Africa with awe. I bought the book because I too am con...
Dot took me on the journey of a lifetime. I witnessed the challenges, frustrations, joys and overwhelming beauty of Africa from the comfort of m...
I had the pleasure of meeting Dot when she was living in Solsona and have followed her adventures on Going Home to Africa on IG. I have been so ...
This is a brilliant story of a lovely lady driving solo from Northern Africa through many countries to go home to Zimbabwe. This touches my hear...
Going home to Africa is an honest, humble and uplifting account of an incredible adventure and Dot’s fighting spirit and firm belief in the univ...
Absolutely Compelling I could not put this book down and I am not an avid reader, getting bored quickly. I loved every moment of her jou...
FANTASTIC BOOK! I LOVED every page of this book and didn't want it to end. I have read many travelogues and this was by far my favourite...
My first impression was just: Wow! Hats off! What an impressive book... I can already now say that it is, along with Doris Kearns Goodwin's Pulitze...
Dot is one of the most amazing "road" friends we made while overlanding through Africa, and whatever we were doing she brought a tremendous sense o...
I absolutely love travelling so this story really spoke to me. Having followed Dot in real time on her epic journey, I’m now absolutely loving the ...
I think the fact that you share ALL of your experiences, good and bad, and do NOT leave out the huge challenges and obstacles you had to face on a ...
I’ve just been spending the whole evening with your book. I feel so fascinated by your story and I love the way you’re describing both breathtaking...
Absolutely loved it. Very inspiring and Dot I would love to meet you one day when I visit Zimbabwe again. Thank you for sharing this amazing story....
I have just finished reading Going Home to Africa and I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed it more as the journey went on... Her experiences become more ...

Going Home to Africa

One Woman's quest to return home, driving from Europe to Zimbabwe.

Welcome Home

Welcome Home

At some stage once the structure of the internal build was done things started to move on at a better pace, or perhaps it was just that my muscles were better attuned and I was better skilled.

There was the seating area, finishing the internal structure of the kitchen cabinet, installing the sink and water bottles, the secure storage areas and not to exclude the book shelves. Slowly I added some colour with plastic sticker tiles, my Africa map, the quotes and sayings that I like to have around, curtains were cut and sewn, cushion covers made and suddenly it started to look like a tiny home on wheels.
I cannot express the pride and joy I felt that so many months of waiting, planning and working had seemingly suddenly turned into this home ... and I loved it. I just loved everything about it and I started moving everything into the van but as I was on the street with so many prying eyes I needed to get it all in as quickly and securely as possible. The first night in my completed new home was on the street outside the workshop as I wasn’t taking any chances with goodies as BlueBelle had already been broken into once and I wasn’t having it happen again.

Once I was packed I realised I needed to head out and test her out. It was April now and spring should have been coming but it was still cold and raining. I headed out to wild camp at a ruin that I knew would be safe in the hills and the perfect way to not only test BlueBelle’s new added features but to see how I would manage with gas and limited water supplies.

I can say that I really HATE cold showers but without the sun to heat my solar bag and after too many days without a shower it ended up being a cold one. I also learnt that I can manage a shower with just 5-6 litres of water, washing dishes can be done with a litre but washing clothes, now that really sucked up a lot of water. None of this included water for tea/coffee and general drinking. When you have to carry the water that you use you become acutely aware of how much you use and how little you have left.

Gratefully BlueBelle did great along the winding, rough and rocky, weather worn roads that took me up into the hills and the inside (with some 300 screws) was tight and secure with nothing falling apart. Not bad for a novice carpenter.

It did take a couple of weeks to take everything that had been hastily stashed on the road in Barcelona, sort it out and find the right place to put things so that the most used things were readily available and the other things were ordered and stowed away. At first it was quite frustrating with many rainy days meaning that the cluttered space inside was becoming annoying and so the need to trim down on things even further was a necessity.

After testing it became clear that the toilet access wasn’t working as well as anticipated and it would be best to pull out the toilet into the passage for use and use the available space under the counter top for an additional draw. These were the only real adjustments I felt were necessary to my PERFECT build and my new Home Sweet Home.

Lesson learned – never take water for granted! And Home is where I am!


BlueBelle doneBluebelle bedbluebelle seatingBluebelle working


© Dot Bekker

Magazine Interview - Celsona (Solsona Magazine)
Let the building begin!


Guest - Barbara on Friday, 03 August 2018 07:21

Hi. Dot, love your blog! I am in awe of your achievements and am with you all the way! Keep up your positive vibes! Lots of love Barbara

Hi. Dot, love your blog! I am in awe of your achievements and am with you all the way! Keep up your positive vibes! Lots of love Barbara
Going Home to Africa on Sunday, 02 September 2018 10:09

Thanks Barbara

Thanks Barbara
Guest - Kay Aldrich on Tuesday, 11 December 2018 07:18

I've lived in Kenya and Ghana, traveled in SA and Namibia and now travel a lot in my van in the US. I love Africa and am looking forward to hearing of your adventures as you travel home.

I've lived in Kenya and Ghana, traveled in SA and Namibia and now travel a lot in my van in the US. I love Africa and am looking forward to hearing of your adventures as you travel home.
Going Home to Africa on Tuesday, 11 December 2018 18:41

Thanks Kay. Be sure to look for @goinghometoafrica on both Facebook and Instagram where I post more frequently. Happy travels x

Thanks Kay. Be sure to look for @goinghometoafrica on both Facebook and Instagram where I post more frequently. Happy travels x
Tuesday, 11 February 2025

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About Dot

Dot is Zimbabwean born and raised and after having lived in Europe for 20 years she decided to return home but uniquely she decided to drive  through Africa to get there.

She achieved her dream by driving 20,000kms through 18 West African countries over 8.5 months on her own for most of the journey.  Her book of the same title will soon be launched,and you can find out more about Dot or subscribe to the Blog for more.


Kusasa Scholarship Fund

Alongside my journey I've decided to raise funds for scholarships for girl's education in Zimbabwe, find out more about that here, to contribute to the Scholarship Fund please do so here.